Many times people ask me what they can do to prepare for their massage and I figured with winter approaching, I would write a post about this topic. Honestly, you don’t really need to do anything but show up. But, if you want to get the most out of your massage, I have a few suggestions.
– Drink extra water for a few days prior to your appointment. I suggest drinking half your body weight in ounces in water per day. This is a general suggestion for everyday for anyone. That is also a lot of water. I make it my personal goal to drink this much water everyday and many times I accomplish it! And well, some days I don’t. This will help your during your session because your muscles and tissues will be well hydrated and you may notice you move easier when you’re hydrated.
– With winter nearing, the air is becoming more dry. A few days before your session, apply some body lotion or moisturizer. This is by no means necessary as it just means you get more massage creme. I do find the bodies who are moisturized seem to absorb the massage creme better.
-If you are receiving an Ashi-Thai session, bring some comfortable loose fitting clothes. Ashi-Thai is typically performed while the client is wearing clothes and incorporates stretching and compression and very few massage strokes.
– Plan plenty of time before and after your session to take a few moments to breathe and collect yourself. It’s helpful not to be rushing into your session or have somewhere to rush to after your session. Plan for traffic. Eat a light snack before so you’re not hungry and be sure to use the restroom so you’re not uncomfortable while laying on the table.
– Helpful Hint: On your way to your session, think about the time in between your last session and the current day.. How have you been feeling? How have you been sleeping? Have you been experiencing more stress than usual? Have you been experiencing tension in a specific area? If so, Where? When? Does something cause this feeling? Do you have a specific area you would like to focus on?
I hope these are helpful ideas to get you thinking how you can get the most out of your therapeutic massage session!
I look forward to your questions and comments. Please comment below or send me an email.
Inhale Peace, Exhale Love,