Our Massage Services Explained
At Somatic Sole Barefoot Massage in Brentwood, a little burb of St. Louis, our specialty is barefoot massage therapy. This technique offers benefits that go much deeper than relieving physical pain, tension, and soreness. Barefoot massage (also known as Ashiatsu) and our other massage therapy services foster stress release and emotional well-being.
Massage Services for Physical and Emotional Health
At Somatic Sole, we customize your massage services to not only relieve physical ailments but to assist you with letting go of stress and past trauma. As a result, massage can help you release stagnant feelings that can keep you stuck (physically and spiritually) in an unhealthy pattern. Our different therapies will ease you into the freedom of physical mobility, as well as help you move forward with positivity and calmness in the face of trauma or stress.
Our massage therapy sessions go beyond the time you spend on our table. Additionally, we provide a network of beneficial approaches and relaxation techniques for you to take home so you can grow into the best version of YOU. Our goal is not merely massage-focused. Yes, our massage services provide results, but we also give you tools to help you remove the obstacles preventing you from being present in every moment.
Massage Benefits
With barefoot massage, the benefits are endless! You can be free from physical pain and tension, have increased flexibility, less inflammation, and better digestion and organ function. You may think more clearly, sleep better, have more energy, be less affected by stressful situations, have increased oxygen and lymph drainage (to detox), look and feel rested, and perform your daily functions more optimally.
We believe relaxation is a way of life. And we strive to make the relaxed state your normal state instead of something you have to work hard to achieve. Namasté!
Schedule Your Massage Today
With all of these benefits and more, why not contact Somatic Sole and start on your wellness journey today? It’s easier than ever to set an appointment or call 314-722-6066.