We love communicating with you! If you think there's something we should know about, please share then maybe we can share it with others. We …
Massage & Wellness Blog
Why Massage Therapy is Important
Relaxation is Therapeutic We strive to create a space for you to relax, unwind, and escape to wherever you need to be in your mind to tap …
An Underworld Journey & the gifts they bring
Have you experienced an Underworld Journey? The answer is.. probably yes. This isn't some kind of cheerleading rah-rah post about the …
Ever Evolving Expressions : Schedule Change & Workshops
Ever Evolving Expressions of business and life. Also known as, "here comes a schedule change." Some time has passed since my last posting. …
Reflections from a long time yogi…
Reflections on a yoga class from a long time yogi. Recently, I attended a yoga class for the first time in years. Babies, my own …
Conventional Health Advice, Pt2.
What is conventional health advice? You know what I'm talking about but I'll try to lay it out for you. Old diet trends and the idea that …
Poverty in Mother Culture
The Poverty in Mother Culture This is the story I want to tell you that happened on the train recently. I traveled with 2 of my kiddos. …