Recently, my husband and I just bought a house and moved to a new neighborhood. I never realized how renting vs owning property would change my perspective on so many seemingly small details. As we have slowly been meeting the neighbors, one of the questions I always get asked is, “What do you do?” Like I said, I’m seeing small details differently as a homeowner. I see my neighbors as people I will know for a long time and if we get along, that’s probably for the best.
I find my neighbor to be a very interesting and curious person. Which I have always found to be a very great quality in a person. He explains to me his perception of massage therapy and says that people either use massage therapy for two reasons, relaxation or therapy (like healing something that isn’t working properly). He expounds that he had an experience with tendinitis and that his chiropractor suggested massage therapy and within a week of three 20 minute sessions, the tendinitis mostly goes away. So he asks me, “What part of the spectrum does your massage fall into.” Again, I should mention how I love the nature of curious people! This really made me think about my practice and where, along this spectrum of relaxation and healing,I want to be. I’m so grateful he asked me his question.
Here was my reply:
My practice falls somewhere in the middle. I believe that relaxation is therapeutic. When you are receiving therapeutic massage on a routine basis, you are creating a new relationship with your body. You are learning new ways to relate with your physical expression (life). You can then know more about how to push your limits in a healthy way (like exercise) and know when you’ve gone too far. Also, when you’re receiving therapeutic massage regularly, you are allowing your body to restore itself and you may be less likely to injure yourself or your injuries may heal quicker. It’s kind of like when your computer is acting up and when you restart it all the bugs have just gone away! This is why I say, I do not fix you. I merely provide a healing space for your body to do its’ own thing! I may not always know why it hurts when you do a certain movement but I’d be more than happy to help you explore the options. And when necessary, refer to a doctor, another massage therapist, a counselor, a life coach, or whatever you need to Discover your Potential and Flourish in your Wellness!