We all know the holidays can be hectic and busy. We also know this is a special time to spend reflecting on the year and enjoying our families. How can you maintain your cool while completing your to-do list? The end of the year can be so busy for certain professions. Now is the time to prepare. Thanksgiving is tomorrow and that means the beginning of many parties and gatherings. Here are a few tips to maintain your sanity.
- Take one hour this weekend. Write a list of your goals in preparation for the following 6 weeks. Bold the priorities. Think about your family, your work, your house, and any other major area that needs a goal. What can you do right now? And what can you do in 3 weeks? And what can you do in a couple of months? Plan a course of action. When you see them on paper, you can tackle them and then cross them off your list (personally, that’s my favorite part). Keep this list in a convenient place for you to see on a regular basis. I usually choose the fridge.
- Attend our Goal planning Workshop! Kassi and Sara will help you identify, create, and reach your goals for 2017! You can learn more about this event HERE.
- Prepare & Transition. Let’s face it. Not everyone is easy to get a long with. Take your time to prepare for your festival gatherings. Remember who you can and cannot talk to and what topics are off limits. For this year, we’re going to blanket suggest not talking about the elections or politics. 😉 Plan time to transition from being alone to being with people and from being surrounded by people to being alone.
- Plan a self-care escape. You’re worthy of it & you deserve to relax. Plan some time to wind down after festivities with a book or a cup of tea (these are my favorites) or whatever helps you relax at home. You can always schedule a massage with us! We’re closed for Thanksgiving Day but will reopen on Friday, Saturday, & Sunday!
We’re here for you! We’ve got your back…and your neck, legs, feet, and arms! Schedule yourself an hour of oasis. The best time to receive a massage is when you don’t have time for it. The buddhists say if you can’t find time to meditate for 5 mins a day, it’s imperative to meditate for 15 minutes per day. You will find when you create the time for yourself, your life will open up to accommodate the time you need for everything else. We see this everyday in our clients that choose to dedicate time to their well-being.
To dedicate to your own well-being, schedule a massage with us today! Click here.
Peace & Relaxation!