At this time, Somatic Sole is remaining closed until further notice.
Based on the research I’ve done, I don’t believe it’s safe to receive massage therapy services. Anywhere. And any type of massage therapy. And I’ll share why.
As we know, massage therapy is so valuable for stress and pain relief and we also know most of the world is experiencing stress unlike ever before. Many people have assumed I would be in a hurry to reopen. I’m not and the more I learn, the less likely opening will happen despite the city/county/state openings. That doesn’t mean I won’t support you during this time. Most definitely, we need each other more now than ever.
- This virus is novel. And that means we (collectively as a community) do not know enough about what to expect. I think it’s important to let the scientists work on learning more.
- We have a commitment to our clients, do no harm. We don’t know enough to know that we’re not doing harm.
- The recent endothelial symptoms have been concerned that no massage anywhere can be safe until we know more. Pre-covid, blot clots are the number one reason to NOT receive a massage. The current coagulation issues with this virus are concerning. (I’ll share a research article if you’re a research nerd like me. TW: autopsy, port mortem)
- The risk of transmission is still present, just like we knew as we closed our doors. As the states are reopening, they are requesting businesses continue to practice social distancing. That includes 6 feet. And while I’m 5’6″ and that’s close to 6 foot, I’m not convinced that’s enough to keep us all safe.
- We heavily rely on working with the nervous system and moving you into parasympathetic nervous system and I just can’t see how that can happen with masks and removing blankets and anything with fabric..etc etc.. The list of what needs to be done to make massage safe will render it not effective.
I understand there will be a lot of other massage businesses open.
They are concerned about finances. I totally feel that pressure but I think this is the crucial time we must remain vigilant. Here is an opinion piece from one of the authors of our pathology books. She covers the “medical massage” argument. People need massage for their well being. But while we’re in a pandemic, we need to get creative on how that well-being is attained.
In this piece, another massage industry leader discusses..’if you have created contactless payment options, why do you think massage is safe?” Which really makes you think, if we are uncertain that touch is safe, why would opening be ok?
I’ve been very vocal about the problems in our industry as a whole and this pandemic has highlighted all of the issues. Here is one of the best pieces yet, and delicately lays out the layers of issues we have as an industry.
And, if you want some simple, unbiased information about what we currently know about the virus, check this out.
With all of this being said, we will massage again.
But not right now. And I’m honestly not sure when. I think it will be before a vaccine is created but it’s just not safe right now. We need to know more. Until then, you can find us on YouTube.
And you can schedule an online appointment with me. These online appointments are awesome. They are so good, they will stick around even after we start massaging again. To schedule an online appointment, click here.
I can’t wait to work with you. I miss the work we created together. But for now and to keep everyone safe, I look forward to seeing you online!
Sara Newberry, LMT