My kids ask me questions about my work all of the time. They have grown up around me touching and rubbing and suggesting healthy habits. I long for the day the schools invite me in to talk about self-care and self-preservation on career day.
This morning, my daughter (3 years old) asked me to go to my work. I took the opportunity to ask her if she knew what I did and her response did not disappoint.
It went something like this:
Me: “Do you know what mama does at her work?”
Her: “Yes, you work. People give you money for what you do for them.”
Me: “Ok, yes but what do I do for them? Do you want me to tell you?”
Her: “Yes.”
Me: “I use my hands and feet to bring awareness to their body and anatomy so they can heal and learn more about their bodies so they can live better and with more happy.”
Her: “OH, YES. You make their arms stretchy like elastigirl. Mama, I need more stretchy arms so I can reach things.”
Me: “ummm…. I’m not sure how you got there but sort of yes, baby girl.”
And we laughed and laughed.