Introducing Mother Circle.. coming this fall. 
I’ve been quietly consuming as much education as I can to support mothers from a evidence-informed and nourishing way for about 6 years.
I’ve discovered that we find agency and empowerment in our community and that some healing is meant to do within a group.
If you have felt lost, confused, or disenchanted by your motherhood experience, this may be the connection you’re seeking. And if your motherhood experience has been great, this is an opportunity to interact with the experience in new and deeper ways.
Many mothers complain of mommy groups becoming trauma pits or centers of shame. Not here. This frame work creates a space for you to contemplate your own journey and connect with others who are looking for deeper connections to this identity we call motherhood.
There is resource here to connect to when motherhood is overwhelming or daunting. We will build ways to identify your new self in this journey for you to call upon when you’re feeling depleted.
What is Mother Circle?
It’s not therapy, but healing is possible. It’s not a social group, but likely friendships will be forged. In every session, a container will be created to explore, contemplate, and journal on specific topics. We will hear stories that inspire and work with movements to feel and heal and move through big topics all while caring for the group. This is a trauma-sensitive space and your participation is voluntary to the level you feel comfortable.
Building Mother culture is the long dedication to inviting an enriching experience as mothers. This is a first step in healing maternal lines both to our children and the lines of mothers we originate from.
This is for all mothers. The only caution I have is for mothers within 6 weeks postpartum. You’re welcome to Mother Circle but after that initial time that’s better spent snuggled in at home. Lap babies are welcomed but I would highly encourage you carve out this private time to dedicate to your journey. *I can not be responsible for other children on site and your attention to your child is your responsibility.
This first round is by invite-only but if you are interested, Contact me and let’s discuss.
This is based on the work of Kimberly Ann Johnson and her book on postpartum support.