Our intention for yoga classes
It’s so hard to reach out beyond the circle of people already attending yoga classes. It’s no secret that there is a certain person that is drawn to yoga. There’s a whole other language (what the heck is vinyasa?!) and we’re asking you to move your body in ways that are not customary in our Western culture. But then why are so many people swearing by the benefits they’ve experienced? In a culture that’s stressed out, full of anxiety, and mostly out of touch with their body they’ve been carrying around all day–yoga can provide the reconnection. And in many ways, reconnection can be the beginning of the answer to a lot of pain & problems a lot of people are experiencing. We realize while most of us would love to get a massage on the daily, that’s not always an option. An hour in yoga or movement can really provide that space between your massages to help you reconnect your body and mind.
Sole Shine recently started adding yoga classes to their menu of services and I want to share why our classes are different. These teachers have been deeply rooted in our practice in various facets for a long time. Meaning, these teachers understand our larger mission. It’s more than self-care, it’s more than moving better—it’s about living your best self and that looks different from person to person.
These yoga classes focus on you. The classes are small and the teachers respect your story, your space, & meet you where you are. We’re not trying to gather as many students as possible, we’re trying to support what you’re already learning at our studio through anatomy focused, results-based, barefoot massage. You will also see our staff in our classes because we want you to feel safe and welcomed.
Why do we offer this? As much as this is for you, this is also for us. That means, I’m offering a meditation class because I know I need to spend time in quiet and mindfulness. We offer yoga because we, too, need accountability partners. We show up for you and for us, because we are partners in wellness. We guide you because we need the guidance as well. Our clients are so often our own inspiration. So show up for us. Show up because we’re growing and creating together. Much like Thai massage is actually about counter pressure & movements, where both the therapist and the client are receiving “the work,” our classes are as much for you as they are for us. And don’t worry about the language or the flexibility, we are all on this journey together. That’s why yoga is called a practice because it’s not about doing it “right,” it’s about showing up. We move at your pace. We welcome you to our space because it’s your space too.
For a full list of our class offerings, visit this page.