Chronic pain can be reduced through massage. For a pain to be termed as “chronic” it will be ongoing pain lasting 12 weeks or more. The most common causes of chronic pain are injury or long term illness. Chronic pain can occur in any part of the body and can increase stress, anxiety, and sometimes depression. Massage aims to disturb the pain cycle in order to reduce and relieve any pain and prevent it from recurring. The two main health problems caused by chronic pain, stress and muscle tension, can both be reduced with regular massage. The key term here is “regular,” which brings me to our new promo for February…
Pain Free March Forward Promotion!
For the month of February, we are offering a special program for those who suffer from chronic pain. Come in once a week for four weeks and see what massage can do for your chronic pain. In exchange for giving your body this chance, we will give you your 5th MASSAGE FREE to be used in the month of March.