We found ourselves wanting to add more to what we already believe is amazing. We’re dedicated to your body moving into relaxation. Your nervous system wants relaxation. Adding these extras can really help seal in the soothing experience.
Additional Treatments: Everyone loves a little “extra” and while our barefoot massage is the ultimate massage, we also love the full service. $10 for Partners $20 for Non-partners
- Aroma Nap – Aromatherapy piped into the room while you snooze on the table following your massage for 20 mins
- Foot Soaks – A special blend of herbs and salts to assist you in moving toward relaxation and feeling grounded.
- Tea Services – Traveling Tea and Sole Shine partnered to pair the perfect blend of herbs to create a special non caffeinated tea. Sit and sip a pot of tea before and after your massage.
These can be a stand-alone appointment or in conjunction with your already awesome hour.
- Hot Ashi- 30 minutes of deep heat, This revolutionary addition to barefoot massage was developed and perfected here in St. Louis by our owner of Sole Shine and is now being taught around the country. This can be a stand-alone appointment or in conjunction with your already awesome hour.
- Steamy Wonder: Get the most of your session with warm muscles. This experience leaves your tissues the most supple so we can move through the muscle with ease. The experience of a sauna and a massage.
- The MOMA – The Mobilize and Massage is 30 minutes of mobilizing Thai massage, prior to your 60-120 minute Ashiatsu session. Thai (fully clothed) massage preps your muscles for deep relaxation.
- Foot 2 Foot – We all need some extra attention to what connects us to the Earth. This is 30 minutes of detail from your knee to your feet.