Why should I receive a massage from your feet instead of your hands?
This is the most frequent question I am asked. Just take a peek at the Testimonials Page and you will see the answer for yourself – people just absolutely LOVE IT! If you haven’t experienced Ashiatsu yet, you have to try it for yourself to see why this style of massage is changing people’s experience of therapeutic massage.
Here’s what you need to know about DeepFeet Ashi Bar Therapy:
1. Why is a deep pressure massage therapeutic?
We all tend to carry the stress of injuries, poor posture, and even our stress and emotions in our tissues. Everything inside of your skin is encapsulated with what is known as fascia. Fascia is connective tissue that keeps everything (muscles, organs, bones etc) where it is supposed to be. When you have an injury (like a bike accident) or a repetitive motion injury (like poor posture), your muscles are affected and so is the connective tissue around the injured area. Fascia is connected to everything else, potentially affecting other areas of your body. When fascia is injured, it can create adhesions or knots that lead to pain and sometimes limited range of motion. Deep pressure massage is therapeutic because the pressure can break up those adhesions and create more space for the fascia to heal.
Gravity can be your friend. Because I work with your tissues above your body, gravity helps me sink deeper into your muscles. Moreover, I believe the true key to a deeply relaxing massage (by hands or feet!) is flow and transitions. Using my feet, I can move more effortlessly without having to adjust the rest of my body delivering a smooth, relaxing massage. Also, Ashi allows me to work on both sides of your body at the same time. This sends a confusing message to your brain as you are unable to focus on two areas at once and you will relax instead of focusing on what is happening.
3.How does Ashi change the session for me?
Since I am not putting continuous pressure on my wrists and forearms (like hands-on massage) and the shock of pressure is more evenly distributed amongst my body so that means I get to stay a massage therapist for many years to come!
So, Why Ashi?
Because it’s the best massage you’ll ever receive!
Want to read more about why people love Ashi? Follow the link to the FAQ page on the Ashi Headquarters website below:
“The continuous deep tissue pressure you are able to deliver with your feet covers much larger areas at once than your hands. The foot is broad and makes the compression smooth and sumptuous not bony or prodding like using an elbow, thumb or massage tool. The consistent pressure is easily maintained hour after hour. Consumers feel like they got a 2 hour deep tissue massage in about 40 minutes. They get relieve from chronic inflammation faster than that of a normal massage. Imagine being able to work client after client and never having to bend at the waist ever again to give deep compression. Your hands and wrists can take a break too. Clients feel like they got more “bang for their buck” and the stress and strain on your body was effortless. The results of those suffering from chronic back, neck and shoulder pain have amazing testimonials. Our clients show dramatic results with better posture and over all well being.”