My Footwork Journey
Similar to many other personal endeavors that have come to fruition, incorporating Ashiatsu into my practice as a massage therapist unraveled without being sought after. I had never heard of barefoot massage until working in an office that offered the technique. While practicing hands on massages, clients would often request more pressure than I was able to deliver in a comfortable means. Being that Ashi is recognized to be, “The Deepest Most Luxurious Massage on The Planet,” learning how to perform this modality became a no-brainer. And because I did not view my natural approach to hands-on massage as deep, I wanted to be able to have deeper options in my massage therapy arsenal. Frequently, deep pressure is desired among clients but difficult to achieve while standing hunched over next to the table. Standing above, using the broad surface of the foot allows for a deep, consistent pressure offering therapeutic relief without the pain that is associated with deep tissue massage.
November of 2012, I traveled to San Antonio, TX to take the beginner Barefoot Basics course. There is a ton of information shared in a weekend course that immediately getting back into the office to apply what was learned is vital. Upon returning home, I was leisurely traveling, thus lacked the ability to get in the groove of practicing regularly. A year after learning the basics, I began fine tuning my barefoot massage skills.
Shortly after putting a serious Ashi game face on, Sara coincidentally reached out with the opportunity to join her growing business in 2014. In a blink of an eye I became a full time Ashiatsu practitioner. Eager with motivation to augment my bodywork tool belt, I moved forward to progress in the advanced barefoot courses.
Last May, I ventured to Denver, CO, to take DeepFeet 2, learning how to apply two footed strokes with the founder of Ashiatsu, Ruthie Hardee. Having the privilege to work with her and a few of the very first Ashi practice bodies that have been familiar with the work for twenty years was a valuable experience. The seasoned gentlemen were able to offer superb feedback. In July, I completed the final class learning the application of Ashi Thai in Battle Creek, MI. With Ashi-Thai, barefoot massage became more than just deep compression strokes. Ashi-Thai allows for a well rounded therapeutic approach complete with compressions and stretches. This branch of barefoot massage is great for athletes or anyone that desires stretching deep to the core.
Now, it has become obvious to me why majority of people that switch to the barefoot application of massage never look back. Ashi is simply amazing for both the client and also the therapist! Phenomenally, the soft, broad curvature of the feet fit perfectly with the natural contours of the human body. Working with rhythm and gravity, we are able to provide adequate, steady pressure covering more surface area with ease, thus delivering a massage that I love to practice and yearn to receive on a frequent basis!
Personally, the application of Ashiatsu has required a great deal of practice and patience. In the beginning the challenge seemed insurmountable. Now, delivering an Ashi session comes naturally. Not to mention is a ton of fun to engage in. I appreciate all of you, including Sara, for being tolerant and trusting of my journey through the fabulous world of DeepFeet Bar Massage Therapy!
If we have not yet had the opportunity to work together or it has been awhile, schedule an appointment to check out my advanced style of Ashiatsu!
Kind Regards,
Nikki Floeh, LMT